Chemical reactors for Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery

Chemical reactors for Pavlodar Oil Chemistry RefineryChemical reactors were loaded on July 17, 2016 in the port of the Korean city Ulsan.

Chemical reactors are unique high-tech equipment. Two reactors, weighing about 700 tons each, will be delivered from the South Korean city Ulsan to Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery along the Northern Sea Route.

The Northern Sea Route is used for load delivery from South Korea to Kazakhstan for the first time ever. It is impossible to carry out the transportation using other routes, such as like Trans-Siberian and Trans-China railways, because the load is over-heavy. The reactors will cover 5,5 thousand nautical miles to Sabetta, where they will go through customs control. The next step is the New port, where they will be reloaded. In the last week of September the load will arrive in Kazakhstan, Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery.

This project is really unique, because the load is over-heavy; the logistics is exclusive. The number of participating countries – Kazakhstan, South Korea, GUS-CIS, and Switzerland – indicates the project scale.

The specialists of Nord Berg company have planned the water route for about 2 years, carefully chosen the subcontractors, checked their competence.

Ha Chul-Ho, Sales Director in the South Korean forwarding company, said: “That will be a landmark project. We became pioneers in such loads”.

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